Saturday, July 24, 2004

Chronic Insecurity Rears its Ugly Head

Reading some emails from USP campers and OGLs. Ok, I know this is lame, but when they gave comments for everyone, i'm always listed last, and attached to some vague, hardly meaningful one-liner. eg. "Becky: Nice having you in my group!" Can't help but feel like I hardly made any impression, that I'm some faceless wallflower. Annonymity has its drawbacks.

And they all described their memories of camp as super-duper-duper fun. I'm like, really meh? I mean, camp was alright for me, but it wasnt exactly life-changing. It was fun and enjoyable, and I do wish it were longer, but i'm not exactly waxing lyrical about it.

Curses, blights and plagues be upon my shy nature and lack of social skills!

That's really what i'm afraid of I guess, that I will end up left behind as people make new friends, and float through my 4 years(hopefully 4) of university life alone, lonesome as a piece of driftwood. Driftwood? Haha, well, you get the idea.

Today was the first saturday of the year I didnt go for bay. Felt really sick so I went home and slept it off. Feeling much better now. But... heh. decided that i wont share that thought, it might rather shock you.

Oh yeah, do check out my guest appearance on Benben's blog!


At 7:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i think its best when you remain the world to the ones you care about rather than the life of the party to so many anonymous people =) on a lighter note, haha drift alng wit me!

At 8:14 PM, Blogger GVogels said...

Weehee.. dun beat me up k? but i'm gonna ask you a question.. which uni are you in now and what are u studyin? =P

Ermz.. i guess it'll be much easier over time ya? its the same whenever you get into a new environment..

din you experienced the same feelin when you first got into pri sch sec sch jc?

Remembered your character type when the whole J2 did the test in JC? I know ur ISFP.. cos same as me.... and its hard for ppl to really get to know ISFPs in a short period of time..

its ok lah cos ppl will eventually know you one mahz.. and they wrote "Becky: Nice having you in my group!" becos you ARE NICE wad.... hahahahhaha!


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